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With interest rates, rents, fuel and groceries prices rising, everyone's feeling cost of living pain. Things are tough & household budgets just aren’t stretching as far as they used to.

Source : PortMac.News | Citizen :

Source : PortMac.News | Citizen | News Story:

Peta Pinson : Are you finding it tougher to make ends meet?
With interest rates, rents, fuel and groceries prices rising, everyone's feeling cost of living pain. Things are tough & household budgets just aren’t stretching as far as they used to.

News Story Summary:

As a wife, mother and small business owner, like you I’m watching the bills increase and worrying about the sky rocketing cost of living.

I see the concern from my children every time that unexpected bill lands in their inbox and on the faces of the many mums, dads and businesspeople that make up our community.

I’ve heard from Bill in Camden Haven who’s rent has risen from $495 to $600 a week, like so many first home buyers Ash and Cam have had to find an extra $1000 month for their mortgage repayments, and of increasing desperation to keep food on the family table.

But I know with the right ideas and sensible solutions, things can and will get better.

That’s why I put my hand up to help – first to be your Mayor and get council rates under control and now, to  take that common sense approach to Parliament.

It’s time we had a voice focused on the real issues, our kitchen table concerns, who’s going to fight every day to make life better for you and your family.

Someone who’s committed to making living in our community affordable, so our kids and grandkids can enjoy the same great Port Macquarie lifestyle we all love. 

As your Mayor, that has been my driving purpose and if elected, it is my promise to you. I’ll take the fight to Sydney to make sure  our voices are heard.

With your support at this election, I know, I can deliver for our community in Parliament. No political games,  No bureaucracy. If you put your faith in me, I promise I will not let you down.

Together, let’s keep our community and our state moving forward.

Peta Pinson | National Party candidate for NSW seat of Port Macquarie.

This News Story's Author : Staff-Editor-02

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