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Proposed drainage works for sporting field is now estimated to costs millions. With more sporting infrastructure earmarked for the region, it’s left council weighing up its priorities.

Source : PortMac.News | Citizen :

Source : PortMac.News | Citizen | News Story:

Port Macquarie : Tuffins Lane drainage to cost millions
Proposed drainage works for sporting field is now estimated to costs millions. With more sporting infrastructure earmarked for the region, it’s left council weighing up its priorities.

News Story Summary:

Tuffins Lane Playing Fields:

These football and cricket fields are conveniently located next to the Port Macquarie Regional Sports Stadium and adjacent to the airport.

This is a large venue, with multiple playing fields, used for cricket, rugby league, rugby union, touch football and Oz Tag.

Port Macquarie Hastings Council Meeting 16/03/2023:


RESOLVED: Sheppard/Pinson

That Council: 

1. Note the information provided in this report. 

2. Consider including funding for the detailed design works to the value of $200,000 in the draft 2023-2024 Operational Plan and budget.

3. Request the Chief Executive Officer to prepare a communications plan to all stakeholder user groups outlining the steps involved in the proposed drainage works, the estimated timeframe, estimated costs, known risks, and potential impacts on the delivery of other sporting infrastructure priorities.

4. Request that should Council determine to include the funding for the detailed design works to the value of $200,000 in the draft 2023-2024 Operational Plan and budget that the communications plan in point three be implemented as part of the public exhibition of the draft Operational Plan, to facilitate informed community feedback on the proposal to progress drainage works. 

5. That Council receive a further report in regards to the outcome of consultation on this matter, as part of the draft Operational Plan engagement report.

Vide By | Jemma Pepper

This News Story's Author : Staff-Editor-02

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