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Weekend Feature:

    Photography Now !: 'In photography there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality'
Photography is an amazing thing that allows us not to just capture moments but, to freeze all of the emotions associated with those moments in time.

You probably have a few pictures of yourself and a few pictures of your family too that you absolutely adore.

Every time you look at those pictures you can remember exactly what you felt in all of those moments. Maybe you like those pictures because you felt so joyful in those moments or you just think you look pretty darn good in that picture.

The phrase 'A picture is worth a thousand words' never fully made sense to me until I started taking photographs on my own.

I couldn’t bring myself to understand the idea that a visual form of art could have more meaning than a paragraph that described the same scene in great detail.

I understood the concept that people can interpret the meaning of a picture in more ways than a paragraph that described that same scene but, it made so much more sense to me after I discovered my passion for taking pictures to share with others.

I first discovered my passion for photography at a summer camp during elementary school.

In this class we had to take a bunch of pictures with a partner and I was paired with this nice kid named Eric.

We hit it off and became good friends over the course of the week and I remember looking back at the pictures that we had taken during that class later that summer and I remembered all of the emotions and just how much fun I had with Eric during the week.

A freeze frame in time where I can capture all the thoughts and emotions of a moment and preserve them so that they can be remembered by some and shown to all.

There are so many famous photographs that have invoked so many emotions across the world. Pictures are powerful enough to start movements and invoke change and that’s one of the reasons why I love them so much.

Everyone has the ability to take pictures too. Cameras have become so widely available to people across the world with the advancement of smartphones and other small handheld cameras.

This new technology allows us to be able to capture the everyday beauty in the laughter that ensues at the dinner table or the many sunsets around the world.

We have so much to learn from others and looking at their pictures is a great way to see the world from their point of view.

It is so much fun for me to carry a camera in my pocket everywhere I go because I never know when an opportunity is going to pop up to take another amazing picture. I think that is a joy that everyone should experience.

Photography also allows you to capture the beauty of the amazing corners of the earth.

God has created an amazing and beautiful place for us to live. I can’t think of a single reason as to why we wouldn’t want to go and capture all the beauty of this place that we can and share it with others.

Some pictures capture famous moments that mean something to millions of people and some may just mean something to you.

Every picture is a moment in life that has memories and emotions attached to it that are worth remembering. Every family reunion or time you go to dinner with your friends try to remember to stop and take a picture.

As time passes and we move on to new places and new things. Memories can fade but, pictures can help you remember.

This Intro by | Brandon Arlington

The Many Lives of Photographer William Klein

The Ipcress File (1965) Starring Michael Caine

In London, a counter espionage Agent, Harry Palmer, played by icon Michael Caine, deals with his own bureaucracy while investigating the kidnapping and brainwashing of British scientists.

This film and its sequels were a deliberately downbeat alternative to the hugely successful James Bond films, even though one of the Bond producers, Harry Saltzman, was involved with the Harry Palmer series, along with other personnel who had been contracted to work on one or more of the 007 movies.

The Plot:

A scientist called Radcliffe is kidnapped from a train and his security escort killed. Harry Palmer, a British Army sergeant with a criminal past, now working for a Ministry of Defence organisation, is summoned by his superior, Colonel Ross, and transferred to a section headed by Major Dalby.

Ross suspects that Radcliffe's disappearance is connected to the fact that sixteen other top British scientists have inexplicably left their jobs at the peak of their careers. He threatens Dalby that his group will go if Radcliffe cannot be recovered. Palmer is then introduced as a replacement for the dead security escort.

Afterwards, Dalby briefs his agents that the main suspect is Eric Grantby and his chief of staff, codenamed "Housemartin", and tells the team to find out where they are at present.

Palmer is also introduced and befriends Jock Carswell. Using a Scotland Yard contact, Palmer locates Grantby but, when Palmer tries to stop Grantby getting away, he is attacked by Housemartin.

Housemartin is arrested later but, before he can be questioned, he is killed by men impersonating Palmer and Carswell. Suspecting that Radcliffe is being held in a certain disused factory, Palmer orders a search, but nothing is found except a piece of audiotape marked "IPCRESS" that produces meaningless noise when played.

Dalby then points out that the paper on which Grantby had written a false phone number is the programme for an upcoming military band concert. There they encounter Grantby and a deal is struck for Radcliffe's return.

The exchange goes as planned but, as they are leaving, Palmer shoots a man in the shadows who turns out to be a CIA agent. Subsequently, another CIA operative threatens to kill Palmer if he discovers that the death was not a mistake.

Some days later, it becomes clear that while Radcliffe is physically unharmed, his mind has been affected and he can no longer function as a scientist.

Carswell has discovered a book titled "Induction of Psychoneuroses by Conditioned Reflex under Stress" – IPCRESS – which he believes explains what has happened to Radcliffe and the other scientists.

Carswell borrows Palmer's car to test his theory on Radcliffe, but is shot before reaching him.

Believing that he himself must have been the intended target, Palmer goes home to collect his belongings and there discovers the body of the second CIA agent.

When he returns to the office, the IPCRESS file is missing from his desk. Ross had previously asked him to microfilm the file and Palmer now believes that he is being set up.

When he informs Dalby what has happened and that he suspects Ross, Dalby tells him to leave town for a while.

On the train to Paris, Palmer is kidnapped and wakes up imprisoned in a cell in Albania.

After several days without sleep, food and warmth, Grantby reveals himself as his kidnapper. Having previously read the file, Palmer realises that they are preparing to brainwash him.

He uses pain to distract himself, but after many sessions under stress from disorientating images and loud electronic sounds, he succumbs. Grantby then instills a trigger phrase that will make Palmer follow any commands given to him.

Palmer eventually manages to escape and discovers that he is really still in London.

He phones Dalby, who is in Grantby's company at the time. Dalby uses the trigger phrase and gets Palmer to call Ross to the warehouse where he had been held. As Dalby and Ross arrive, Palmer holds them both at gunpoint.

Dalby accuses Ross of killing Carswell; Ross tells Palmer that he had been suspicious of Dalby and was investigating him.

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