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Dragon boat racing, folk festivals, surf & skate, live music sessions... no matter what you're into our Event Sponsorship Program has it sorted.

Source : PortMac.News | Citizen :

Source : PortMac.News | Citizen | News Story:

Port Macquarie Event Sponsorship Program has future sorted
Dragon boat racing, folk festivals, surf & skate, live music sessions... no matter what you're into our Event Sponsorship Program has it sorted.

Here's Lisa from the Port Macquarie Folk Festival and Brad from The Dark Alley Sessions chattting with Laura about how the $5,000 they received is going to help attract visitors to our region for their super-groovy events.

Event Sponsorship Program Update as of September 2020

Applications for the next round of Council’s Event Sponsorship Program (for events held in the second half of 2021) will open on Monday 14th December, 2020 and close on Friday 19th February, 2021.

It’s been a difficult period for the events industry, these grants will continue to support them. We’re conscious of the ever changing event restrictions and it’s great to see many events adapting to a COVID safe format.

You can email Laura Harvey, Project Officer – Events, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call on 02 6581 8588 if you have any questions.

The PMHC Event Sponsorship Program aims to support event organisers to develop, promote, execute and sustain locally grown long-term major events.

Major events are an important and growing part of our local economy, and add to the vibrancy of our region. Council's Event Sponsorship Program has been set up to provide grant funding of a maximum of $5,000 for events that attract (or have the potential to attract) a significant number of visitors to our region.

Some of the past events that have received funding under this program include the Port Macquarie Running Festival, Wauchope Twilight Tastings, Elephant Trail Race and Slice of Haven.

What do we mean by 'a significant number of visitors'?

It refers to the number of visitors from outside our region who come here for the event, and spend money in our region on accommodation, food, transport, retail, attractions and services.

By way of example, events that have received full sponsorship in the past generally attract at least 400+ visitors from outside of the region.  However, if you have a smaller event that you feel will grow rapidly, we'd be happy to discuss options with you.

**Due to COVID-19 we understand that guaranteeing numbers is a challenging thing, we encourage you to apply even if you think you might not make 400 and give us a call to chat it through.**

If you’re planning a smaller, community-based event, unlikely to attract visitors from outside our region you may wish to check whether you would be eligible to apply for support under Council’s Community Grants Program.

What can the Event Sponsorship funds be spent on?

Funds received under this program are to be allocated towards event marketing activities which attract visitors to our region and your event. This could include activities such as:

* Website development;

* Social media strategy and promotions;

* Videography/photography;

* Advertising;

* Professional marketing consultant (a great option if you are new to the complicated world of event marketing or there is not enough time to do everything!).

Whether you have a promising new or established event, a $5,000 marketing grant should provide a serious boost to your event’s viability and long term success!

So, do you meet the criteria?

Are you proposing an ongoing event with the potential for further growth 

Will your event be staged within the Port Macquarie-Hastings Local Government Area, and is not a touring event

The event attracts (or has the potential to attract) a significant number of visitors from outside the Port Macquarie-Hastings region.

The applicant must have acquitted previous PMHC funding (where applicable) and have no outstanding debts to PMHC or be receiving funds for this event from a different Council grant program.

If the above four sound like you and your event,  click here2MB pdf(PDF, 2MB) and review the Events Sponsorship Guidelines before following below instructions to apply online.

More info at | pmhc.nsw.gov.au/Community-Culture/Events/Events-Sponsorship-Program

This News Story's Author : Staff-Editor-02

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