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Vets are warning of potentially fatal toxicity in pets due to a sudden increase in paralysis tick cases. Some vets have seen more in the past few days than they saw all last year.

Source : PortMac.News | Citizen :

Source : PortMac.News | Citizen | News Story:

It's Tick Time ! Port Macquarie Vets warn of pet paralysis
Vets are warning of potentially fatal toxicity in pets due to a sudden increase in paralysis tick cases. Some vets have seen more in the past few days than they saw all last year.

News Story Summary:

How to protect your pets from deadly paralysis ticks this season:

As the weather warms up, it is more important than ever to make sure your furry friends are protected against deadly ticks.

Tick paralysis is a serious and potentially fatal condition requiring urgent veterinary attention.

Tick paralysis is one of the most common preventable causes of death in dogs and cats along the east coast of Australia.

It is important to be aware of paralysis ticks and to actively protect your pets by following our top tips, including knowing how to search your pet thoroughly for ticks.

What are paralysis ticks and how do they cause paralysis?

Paralysis ticks are dangerous parasites that can attach to an animal and consume blood from them.

As they drain the blood, they secrete a toxin which affects the animal’s nervous system.

The toxin causes serious illness and is potentially fatal.

Where is the paralysis tick habitat?

The paralysis tick can be found along the east coast of Australia stretching from Queensland, New South Wales and down to Victoria.

Some inland areas also have paralysis ticks.

Paralysis ticks usually live in bush land or scrub. Pets can pick up a paralysis tick when they travel to the coast or a bush/scrub area for holidays or at home in their backyard or local area depending on where they live.

Native animals are their natural hosts however paralysis ticks can also attach to pet cats and dogs (and humans too).

Paralysis tick season usually stretches from spring to autumn, with most cases occurring in spring and summer.

However, they can occur at any time of the year.

What are the symptoms of tick paralysis?

Symptoms can vary but common signs can include:


* A change in the sound of the bark or voice

* Gagging/retching

* Regurgitation or vomiting (sometimes with froth)

* Breathing changes – difficulty breathing often with a characteristic grunting sound

* Wobbliness in the back legs which worsens to paralysis and an inability to stand (sometimes owners describe it as ‘my dog has gone in the back legs’)

* Excessive salivation/drooling (sometimes frothing around the mouth area)

* Coughing (sometimes it is a moist cough)

* Not eating

* Progressive paralysis to include the forelegs

* Other abnormal behaviour


* Agitation

* Sound of meow may change

* Unusual breathing pattern with a soft grunt at the end of expiration (breathing out)

* Weakness, though this is typically less obvious to owners early on

* Gagging or retching

* Salivation

* Not eating

* More advanced stages include a more obvious difficulty in walking, staggering and swaying

* Other abnormal behaviour

Occasionally pets will not develop the usual signs of tick paralysis and may show other signs of illness.

How can I protect my pets from the paralysis tick?

* Avoid the tick habitat: during the tick season, don’t take your pet walking in bush areas or scrub areas known to harbor ticks. Keep lawns and shrubs short and remove compost material from backyards.

* Apply tick control products as recommended by your veterinarian: talk to your veterinarian about tick control products which are safe and suitable for your pet.

*Safety warning* – never apply dog tick products to cats as some dog products can kill cats. Your veterinarian can discuss safe options available for cats.

Search your pet for ticks every day: the most essential preventative measure is a thorough search of your pet’s skin and coat at least once a day even if tick control products have been used.

Be aware of the symptoms of tick paralysis: knowing the symptoms will mean that you can identify a tick paralysis problem as early as possible and this improves your pets chances of survival as veterinary treatment can be given faster.

If any symptoms/signs of tick paralysis are seen or a tick or tick crater is seen, stay calm and keep your pet calm.

While staying calm, do a quick tick search and remove any ticks found then contact your veterinarian immediately.

If it’s after hours, contact a 24/7 emergency veterinary hospital. Do not wait until the morning.

Below | Common Tick Types

Video By | Britt Ramsey

This News Story's Author : Staff-Editor-02

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