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State of Origin players silent during national anthem

What's going on here? Several players from both teams have refused to sing the national anthem before Wednesday's State of Origin opener in Brisbane.

Mainpaper News Story:

Mainpaper News Story:

State of Origin players silent during national anthem
What's going on here? Several players from both teams have refused to sing the national anthem before Wednesday's State of Origin opener in Brisbane.

Players from both teams have taken part in a much-discussed boycott of Australia's national anthem before Wednesday's State of Origin opener.

Indigenous players Cody Walker, Josh Addo-Carr and Will Chambers had all spoken in the build-up to the match at Suncorp Stadium that they would not be singing Advance Australia Fair.

Of the 34 players to take the field for Queensland and NSW, 11 players appeared not to sing during the pre-match ceremony.

Walker and Addo-Carr were joined in silence by NSW teammates Payne Haas and Latrell Mitchell while for Queensland Chambers, Josh Papalii, Dane Gagai, Dylan Napa, Kalyn Ponga and debutants Joe Ofahengaue and David Fifita appeared not to be singing.

A number of those players are of New Zealand or Pacific Island heritage.

Walker brought the issue to light last week, saying he did not believe the anthem represented him or his family.

Chambers and Addo-Carr both echoed those statements while former Queensland great Johnathan Thurston said it was time for a referendum on the issue.

"Australia needs to be educated about its history," said Thurston, who read a Welcome to Country before the anthem was sung.

We have come a long way from where we were but we have a long way to go."

Queensland went on to win the first State of Origin clash with a come-from-behind 18-14 victory over NSW.

'News Story' Author : Sandy-Mackenzie

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