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Port Macquarie : Pet crisis ! Shelters ‘overwhelmed’

Volunteers from Port Macquarie animal shelters are calling for relief, saying they’re being overrun with surrendered pets.

Source : PortMac.News | Citizen :

Source : PortMac.News | Citizen | News Story:

Port Macquarie : Pet crisis ! Shelters ‘overwhelmed’
Volunteers from Port Macquarie animal shelters are calling for relief, saying they’re being overrun with surrendered pets.

News Story Summary:

The crisis comes as reforms to make rentals more pet friendly come to a standstill, with more families than ever before being forced to abandon their animals.

Port Macquarie Animal Shelter:

The PMHC animal shelter keeps lost, stray and abandoned animals safe until their owners are found or they can be re-homed. We also find homes for abandoned animals through adoption. 

Pet Adoption:

If you’re interested in adopting a pet please contact us on 6583 3488 or visit the shelter’s website for available adoptions.

We also work alongside other rescue organisations in an effort to give every animal an opportunity to be rehomed.  

Visiting our animal shelter:

Our animal shelter is located at John Fraser Place, Port Macquarie and open to visitors by appointment only.

Opening hours are:

Monday to Friday: 10am – 3pm 

Saturday: 9:30am – 11:30am

Sundays/Public holidays: Closed 

Video By | Marina Trajkovich

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