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Mid North Coast Finance Pros Learn How To Maximise Super

With over half a million self-managed super funds (SMSF) in Australia, accountants and other advisers are struggling to ensure their clients comply with constant changes to superannuation legislation.

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Mid North Coast Finance Pros Learn How To Maximise Super
With over half a million self-managed super funds (SMSF) in Australia, accountants and other advisers are struggling to ensure their clients comply with constant changes to superannuation legislation.

The SMSF Association is working to decrease the knowledge gap by talking all things SMSF at their NSW Northern Region SMSF Super Day at Sails Port Macquarie on April 12

The event will bring together professionals in the SMSF community to learn about maximising contributions to super using small business CGT cap, frailty risk – an approach to designing better SMSF portfolios, and lessons learnt through recent SMSF case law.

Francis Waddell, Business Development Manager for event sponsors Practical Systems Super, will also be speaking at the event and said his company was dedicated to reducing the administrative and compliance burden of self-managed super funds.

“Superannuation legislation is constantly changing and the recent Royal Commission has focused attention on compliance and the need for professional and trusted administration”.

“Many Australians are turning to self-managed super funds to plan for their retirement, but not all accountants and advisers have the capacity to keep up with their compliance, licencing and auditing requirements.”

Practical Systems has worked with small and medium businesses in regional Australia for 25 years and is based in Armidale, NSW. 

“As an Australian owned and operated business, we understand the importance of providing tailored, personal support and advice,” Mr Waddell said. 

“No one understands a clients’ needs like their accountant or financial adviser. Practical Systems Super employs SMSF professionals to support those professionals in ensuring their clients comply with superannuation legislation. Importantly, Practical Systems Super leaves that existing relationship in their hands.”

At the SMSF Association Super Day, finance professionals can gain an understanding of the services Practical Systems Super offers and take a look at the software platform that allows them to take the pain out of self-managed superannuation. 

For more information about Practical Systems Super visit pssuper.com.au.

'News Story' Author : Sandy-Mackenzie

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