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What happens when AI designs a Little Black Dress?

We take pride in presenting to you LBD-AI, an artificial intelligence algorithm's take on designing a little black dress.

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What happens when AI designs a Little Black Dress?
We take pride in presenting to you LBD-AI, an artificial intelligence algorithm's take on designing a little black dress.

The Little Black Dress (LBD) is an essential item for any women's wardrobe. Often described as an elegant and versatile black dress, LBD is suitable for all occasions.

We present to you LBD-AI, an artificial intelligence algorithm's take on designing a little black dress.

For many women, the "little black dress" — first conceptualized by Chanel in the 1920s flapper years — is a wardrobe staple. It's a classic color, perfect for nights out (with a pair of heels) or a day in the office (with a blazer).

But these days, with every big-time and small-time designer adding the LBD to their collections, the market is flooded with every kind of black dress imaginable — and it's hard to stand out.

To add some variety, Pinar Yanardag and Emily Salvador, two MIT researchers, developed an AI that can design a unique little black dress.

To get there, they fed in thousands of designs.

The result? An asymmetrical, V-neck dress.

The researchers topped off the outfit with AI-designed jewelry, shoes and a necklace — and it doesn't look half bad!

Visit the websit to order yours on-line  https://lbd-ai.com/

Source | lbd-ai.com

'News Story' Author : Sandy-Mackenzie

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