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China navy confronts Japanese politicians in east China sea

China's coast guard has confronted Japanese lawmakers in waters claimed by both countries in the East China Sea, China's embassy in Tokyo said.

Source : PortMac.News | Globe :

Source : PortMac.News | Globe | News Story:

China navy confronts Japanese politicians in east China sea
China's coast guard has confronted Japanese lawmakers in waters claimed by both countries in the East China Sea, China's embassy in Tokyo said.

News Story Summary:

This incident is the latest in a series of maritime disputes involving China and its neighbours.

Chinese vessels took unspecified law enforcement measures, the embassy said in a statement on Sunday, alongside reports in Japanese media.

It had lodged solemn representations for what it called "infringement and provocation" by Japan near tiny, uninhabited islands that Beijing calls the Diaoyu and Tokyo calls the Senkaku.

The Japanese group, including former defense minister Tomomi Inada, was on an inspection mission organised by the city of Ishigaki in Okinawa prefecture, according to the Chinese embassy and Japanese public broadcaster NHK.

Japan and China have repeatedly faced off around the Japan-administered islands.

China also has escalating run-ins with the Philippine navy in disputed areas of the South China Sea, where Beijing's expansive maritime claims conflict with those of a number of South-East Asian nations.

Ms Inada's group spent three hours near the islands on Saturday, using drones to observe the area, and the Japanese coast guard vessel sought to fend off the Chinese coast guard, NHK said.

"The government and the public are aware of the severe security situation," Ms Inada said.

"The Senkaku are our sovereign territory and we need to go ashore for research."

It was the first such inspection trip to the area involving a member of Japan's parliament since 2013, NHK reported.

Officials of Japan's foreign ministry were not immediately available for comment outside of working hours.

China strongly urged Japan to abide by what it called a consensus reached between the two countries, stop political provocations, on-site incidents and hyping up public opinion, the embassy said.

China asked Japan to "Return to the right track of properly managing contradictions and differences through dialogue and consultation, so as to avoid further escalation of the situation".

Source | Reuters

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