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Carmaker Ford has designed an ‘Emoji Jacket’ that could make cycling on the road much safer. featuring a large led panel on back, the prototype product allows the user to communicate with drivers.

Source : PortMac.News | Street :

Source : PortMac.News | Street | News Story:

Ford creates 'emoji jacket' that lets cyclists share moods
Carmaker Ford has designed an ‘Emoji Jacket’ that could make cycling on the road much safer. featuring a large led panel on back, the prototype product allows the user to communicate with drivers.

Ford created the jacket in partnership with industrial design specialists designworks, as part of its share the road campaign, which wants to encourage more people to cycle safely.

On the back, it displays big emoji icons as well as indicators and a hazard signal to demonstrate a rider’s movements and possible dangers ahead.

The function is controlled via a wireless remote mounted to the bike’s handlebars.

‘As someone who frequently travels on both two wheels and four wheels, I have experienced first‑hand many of the frustrations – and dangers – that drivers and cyclists encounter on our roads today,’ said ford’s president and CEO of EMEA, steven armstrong.

‘The safe integration of increasingly diverse modes of transportation is key to how we make our cities safer and easier for everyone to get about in, now and in the future.’

Other share the road initiatives include wheelswap, a virtual reality experience that allows you to see the world from either a cyclist’s or a driver’s point of view.

It’s aim is to promote driver and cyclist harmony by encouraging both to make positive changes to the way they tackle the road.

Emojis have become a fundamental part of how we use language,’ explains emoji expert dr. neil cohn PHD,about the popularity of emojis.

‘Whether used to convey facial expressions, humour, or sarcasm, they have become integral to our ability to express ourselves and quickly. this jacket created in partnership with ford share the road allows riders to express their feelings and creates an important emotional link between them and other road users.’

Same | News Story' Author : Staff-Editor-02

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