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PMHC Mayor Pinson told PortMac.News today 'The resignation today by Cr Levido is welcomed. For other Councillors then they must look to their own conscious as to their reasons for staying elected'.

Source : PortMac.News | Citizen :

Source : PortMac.News | Citizen | News Story:

PMHC Mayor 'The resignation today by Cr Levido is welcomed'
PMHC Mayor Pinson told PortMac.News today 'The resignation today by Cr Levido is welcomed. For other Councillors then they must look to their own conscious as to their reasons for staying elected'.

Mayor Peta Pinson had moved a minute at Wednesday 03-06-20 council meeting asking the General Manager to urge the Local Government Minister Shelly Hancock to consider a Port Macquarie-Hsatings election at the earliest possible date.

With respect to this matter Mayor Pinson commented to PortMac.New today:

"I am grateful for the support of all 4 members for our region; Dr David Gillespie MP for Lyne , Pat Conaghan MP for Cowper , Melinda Pavey MP Oxley  & Leslie Williams MP Port Macquarie."

"I work well with them all on behalf of our entire region. I also value the support of long time Councillor Sharon Griffiths."

"The resignation today by Cr Levido is welcomed. For other Councillors then they must look to their own conscious as to their reasons for staying elected."

All NSW local government elections have been postponed until September next year due to the COVID-19 crisis.

In 2016, the voters of Port Macquarie-Hastings elected the current council to serve a four-year term and at a 2017 by-election voted for the mayor to serve to the end of 2020 also.

Cr Pinson said she decided to make her move in light of the minister's decision to delay elections.

'Warring factions'

Mayor Pinson's mayoral minute read: "I now make this request through the general manager due to the serious dysfunction of the elected body which has resulted in the inability to all pull together for the public good.

"Evidence of warring factions within the elected council are now publicly evident, with the deep divide between some councillors and the mayor rendering the council as dysfunctional.

"It is now questionable that as mayor and councillors, true effective leadership will be delivered due to the ongoing toxic dysfunction.

"The community deserves council representatives who will champion their needs and future visions whilst also providing accountability and stability within the organisation."

In her minute, Cr Pinson proposed the minister look at options available to council for an election as soon as possible.

"It is a growing concern of the community that should Local Government elections remain scheduled to occur in September 2021, the community will continue to be tethered to an ineffective and self-serving council," the minute says.

Same | News Story' Author : Staff-Editor-02

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