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A 'Committee' pushing for a new Port Macquarie Aquatic Centre has urged the PMHC to 'Aggressively pursue the project' which has a likely total cost of between $50 to $70 million.

Source : PortMac.News | Citizen :

Source : PortMac.News | Citizen | News Story:

madness : $50m to $70m for a new Port Macquarie pool
A 'Committee' pushing for a new Port Macquarie Aquatic Centre has urged the PMHC to 'Aggressively pursue the project' which has a likely total cost of between $50 to $70 million.

The 'Community Aquatic Centre Committee' has also described as "good news" council's decision to increase the budget for new pool 'Project pre-planning' to $1.23m - that's sure to make a lot of consultants happy !

Under pressure PMHC had initially allocated $450,000 to the project but for some reason it voted at its monthly meeting on 17th of June to more than double its financial commitment.

A 'Community Aquatic Centre Committee' spokesperson, Greg Freeman, 'Welcomed the decision'.

Mr Freeman acknowledged the cost of the new facility would be 'Expensive'.

Cost of the pool project between $50 to $70 million.

The history of PMHC & Big Money:

Lest we forget the 2008 $50.2 million 'Glasshouse' fiasco that got the Council sacked.

The New South Wales Government sacked the Port Macquarie-Hastings Council in 2008 over the mishandling of multi-million-dollar 'Glasshouse' project. 

Committee says there is 'Potential' to recoup some of the pool's costs over 'Time'.

What does 'Potential' mean mean in this context ? It takes a ton of 'Potential' to re-coup $70 million & What 'Time' frame are we talking about here 10 - 50 - 100 years ? Best ask the 'Glasshouse' how much of their $50m debt has been repaid after 12 years !

The Pitch:

"The pool will be a multi-function facility and a diversity of income options" Freeman said.

'Multi-function' ? I thought it was a pool ?

"We should not shy away to endeavour to build large scale infrastructure such as this as it has huge community benefits" Freeman said.

Ah ha, like what ?

"Our Community Aquatic Centre Committee encourage the council to aggressively pursue this project and, once designs and approvals are obtained, 'Investigate all funding options' " Freeman said.

Ah ha.

"This would include borrowing funds and seeking state and federal grants, to make our Regional Aquatic Centre a reality." Freeman said.

I see.

"The current Port Macquarie Olympic Pool was built in the 1960's and is considered well past its use-by date" Freeman said.

Oh really ! Current pool considered 'Past its use-by date' By whom exactly?

"The current pool only has six lanes whilst some Olympic pools have eight or 10 lanes" said Freeman.

That's tragic.

"The current facility has extensive cracking and leaks around 50,000 litres of water a day, has very poor access for the disabled, the change rooms need upgrading & parking is very difficult" said Freeman.

Editor: I originally trained as an architect & as such I very much doubt that fixing the leaks & refitting the changing rooms would cost 'between $50 to $70 million' :)

Mr Freeman said "The current pool suited life in the 60's but it is very unsuited to the needs of a growing modern regional centre such as Port Macquarie".

People are still queuing up to swim in it aren't they!

Annually, in it's current state, the pool is attracting over 150,000 visitations p/a, and is used for school swimming carnivals, learn to swim, aquarobics, lap and competitive swimming as well as general recreation.

150,000 'Visitations' a year - Not bad, the punters seem pretty happy with the pool 'As is' don't they !

So what does all this big spending lunacy have to do with the idea of an ocean pool ?

I seem to remember that an 'Ocean Pool' was what the community wanted (And a National Party election promise) last year ? Where's the money for that gone ?

Same | News Story' Author : Staff-Editor-02

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